Friday, March 14, 2008

Healthy eating

how do you spend your weekends??? do you just sit there and watch tele all day?Well here are some fun healthy ways to get motivated {:D---K
1: If your all alone and your just so so so boerd help mum with some jobs,clean the car with Dad or Mum or by your self, go for a bike or if you live near a park go play its really healthy to get out side!

2: If you live in a nice quiet suburb/area grab a sibling, stong string, a bike, scooter and some scissors and cut about a 5-10 metre piece of sting tie one end to the bike and the other to the scooterput one some shoes and decide who goes on the bike first and who goes on the scooter start off slow so you don't fall back and then go fast and ride around the streets on your new contraption then swap over so its fair

I spent one of my most memorable weekend having a mudfight in my uncles dried-up swamp with my BESEST friend in the universe so get MOTIVATED